
BPI My ePrepaid – How to get one?

Online shopping concept

B.P.I. Family Bank is among the central banks in the Philippines and also one of the earliest banks up to now. They are well-known for various outstanding products, especially savings accounts and charge cards. Among the most incredible products they had released for internet shopping Enthusiast was the My ePrepaid Card. It is a MasterCard-powered Debit card that has been specially created and accounted for internet shoppers, old or young. People from all walks of life significantly admire this product chiefly because of its flexibility, ease of usage, cheap card, and natural by. How easy it is to obtain one that B.P.I. guaranteed 100% acceptance for anybody with a valid I.D. and the payment to get your card price. That’s just P500 or about $10 from the time of the writing.

It is a Debit card, the same as SMART Money. Shopping facilities, restaurants, pubs, gas pumping stations, and markets, or a set of sneakers you have been waiting for all of your life over the MasterCard. However, this is not just any standard prepaid card. Like the Cinemas and some other institutions that take credit, and that is a purchase for your fantasy web gadgets, purchase the fashion handbag you dream about, thru the net, the same as every CREDIT CARD can perform. Not all, but it is also possible to use the card to buy from retailers online, or it may mimic the purposes of this by purchasing real-time Internet. Smart-Money, additionally, gets the ability and capacity of a genuine charge card.

(To know more about PayPal, please click on my Connect. It is accepted. “WHAT IS PAYPAL?”) Link here within my Blog website. Thus, giving you a part of the card is that it can be connected to the Internet and takes PayPal payments. Options are online. Since all retailers over the Internet use online payments

Key Features of the My ePrepaid Cards:

  1. Guaranteed 100% Application Approval
  2. No Maintaining Balance
  3. You can show it on all websites, app stores, shops, and restaurants online and worldwide, wherever MasterCard® is accepted.
  4. Pick the color of your choice, available in Azure & Indigo.
  5. Valid for two (2) years
  6. Load up to P100,000 through BPI 24/7 Banking or over-the-counter at any B.P.I. and B.P.I. Family Savings Bank branch nationwide.
  7. Check your card balance in real-time through text (SMS) or dialing 89-100; press 4 for Prepaid & Gift Card and enter your 16-digit card number.
  8. Enjoy exclusive deals & freebies from partner websites and merchants.
  9.  Here are the steps on how you can get your own My ePrepaid Cards:


B). APPLY ONLINE THROUGH: http://www.bpiexpressonline.com/


Step 1.) You have to be quite “SPECIFIC” as B.P.I. Bank has many credit and debit cards. They might get confused with the MASTERCARD as almost all CREDIT cards are powered by MASTERCARD. As you go to the bank or B.P.I. Express Branches, inform them that you want to apply for MasterCard”. The title of The product which we’re referring to here is your “My E-Prepaid CREDIT CARD so that they may not get confused over the word MASTERCARD.

Step 2.) I had my check on the B.P.I. Bank branch listed in Ermita Manila on January 31. You will need to cover a cost of PH500 which comprises the processing fee, the card Price, and the first loading for your card. From the last time I checked, added pesos will proceed right to your card, which you can use for shopping as the first loading of your card. The processing fee is PH150 along with the card price, which is a part of the Ph500 pesos or roughly $10 only.

Step 3.) The sales partner from the lender will request a legitimate or valid I.D. out of you. Any valid I.D. will be accepted if it is updated and never expires. Examine the listing below for a number of the valid i.D.s that lenders officially recognize. Other I.D.s might also be considered, but all banks take the listed I.D.s below.

  • Passports, including those issued by foreign governments
  • License to own/Permit to carry a firearm
  • Identification card/Integrated Bar of the Philippines (I.B.P.) identification cards
  • Tax identification card
  • Alien Certificate of Registration (A.C.R.)/Immigrant Certificate of Registration
  • (I.C.R.)/Special Investor Resident Visa (SIRV)/P.R.A. Special Resident Visa (SRRV)
  • O.F.W. identification card
  • Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) identification card
  • Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled (NCWDO)
  • Government Office and GOCC identification cards
  • Digitized voter’s identification card
  • DSWD Certification
  • Company identification cards issued by private entities or institutions
  • Senior Citizen identification card
  • Barangay certification
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (P.R.C.)
  • Seaman’s Book
  • Driver’s license
  • N.B.I. Clearance
  • GSIS e-Card/S.S.S. card
  • School I.D. with the latest or updated school registration
  • Police clearance certificate, unexpired

Step 4.) After viewing your valid I.D., they will start on their site for their online forms of the product which you want to avail. See attentively the product or the card you will be benefiting from. Search closely for the title of this DEBIT CARD I have mentioned, then notify the Bank Employee of the one you would love to avail. For filling out the form, generally, it is all online. They will be the ones entering the information on the online form. They’ll be asked personal questions such as email addresses, birthdays, and other private questions in the state. After the form is filled up, they will print it and provide you the replica of this filled-up form required if you claim you’re]”MY E-PREPAID MASTERCARD” after five bank days of filling the form.

Step 5.) The lender employee may or may not ask you to pay instantly for your processing fee/charge card price or first deposit. In my experience, I had been requested to spend it on the day I was claiming the card. From the time your Debit Card is going to be released (following five banking days which you entered the lender), that is the time you will be asked to pay the first loading, and processing charge, along with the expense of the card that’s PH500. However, to prevent hassles or loopholes, it would not hurt you when you brought one of the obligations to your card. Your funds won’t run off anyhow if they don’t request that you pay immediately.

Step 6.) After five banking days, return to the B.P.I. branch where you get your Debit Card. Again, they’ll be requesting your identification card and the internet form, which was provided to you when you saw the lender five days ago. Please do not lose that online form given to you as it will be your trade receipt, as there aren’t any other receipts that will be supplied through your program for your card. Upon viewing the filled-up form, along with your I.D., naturally, the lender will provide you the “MY E-PREPAID MASTERCARD” charge card. And undoubtedly, you will probably ask you to cover the first loading charge card price and the processing charge of PH500 if you weren’t invited to cover this during your initial trip to the financial institution. Others may be asked to pay it on their first trip to the program; then, they won’t be asked to cover anymore. Await your reception, and the trades are finished. Like in my instance, I applied to an EXPRESS CASH. It does not have a P.I.N.; however, the card will probably be released to you once it is removed. You may be asked to see a B.P.I. Kiosk channels to Add your P.I.N. so you may use it around the A.T.M., but they’ve got it on many malls nationally.

  1. Here’s how you can get your My ePrepaid cards thru the online application:

Step 1.) Go to the Official Website of the B.P.I. in the place where they market the debit card (https://www.mybpimag.com/index.php), then click on the “Apply button.” Generally, it is located in the lowermost part of their site. Upon clicking on the Apply button, it will take you to their online arrangement form, where you’ll naturally be asked to agree with their terms and solutions. In the form, you’ll be requested to select several cards you would love to get. The “My ePrepaid card” is situated in the topmost part of this form. Check or tick the options button to choose it, then continue filling out their internet form. Pay attention to the location which you pick. Usually, you can select any B.P.I. Branches nationally, but you might want to choose the pickup branch that’s near your area. Fill up each dialogue box in the form until no mistakes are shown and until you click on the SUBMIT button. Then click on the PRINT icon to publish the online form you’ll need to maintain your debit card.

Step 2.) If you don’t own a printer in your home, save the online application form on your USB drive, then print it onto any online café stores. Here is how it’s possible to take action: Place your mouse-pointer into the middle of your display in which the Internet form is showing. Just click on the “right button” of the mouse, and a drop-down menu will appear; then choose “Save. ” Subsequently, a “dialog box” may appear. Pick your USB drive onto the Drive part of this dialog box. It would help if you plugged your USB-Stick on the computer first; otherwise, it won’t appear in the DRIVE SELECTION of this dialog box. If your USB is inserted, you may see the title of your USB there. Could you select it and click SAVE?

If your computer in your home does not have a printer, fill up your form in an online store or café with a printer. Once you have completed filling up your program form, you can request the online attendant to print them for you until you click on the SUBMIT button in the lower part of the form. Keep this printed copy of the online form with you, and never miss them. You may want them upon claiming your card.

Step 3.) As soon as you click on the SUBMIT button, you publish a copy of your internet form. An email will probably be sent to you verifying your trades and sequence. It is an idea to print this email in addition to evidence of your internet order. Wait for five to seven days. Generally, it’s five days to your GMMA (Greater Metro Manila Area) and seven days to different regions in the Visayas and Mindanao Regions. Pay a visit to the B.P.I. The branch you’ve chosen on the ONLINE FORM program that you filled up. The bank’s sales partners will be requesting your legal I.D.s –(SEE THE LISTS OF THE VALID I.D.S. ABOVE FOR PREFERENCES), the ONLINE FORM which you printed, not to mention your Ph500 payment to get your processing fee/charge card price along with also the first loading of your card. You can use it instantly for internet shopping or cashless shopping on online restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and many more institutions that take MasterCard only the way a charge card will.

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